PVRIS, originally known as Operation Guillotine, is a band formed in Lowell, Massachusetts, United States in April 2012. The group members are Alex Babinski, Brian Macdonald, and Lyndsey Gunnulfsen. Pop and rock are their musical specialties, and their style is alternative/indie rock and indie rock. PVRIS is known for blending atmospheric electronic textures with dark alternative rock. Some of their song highlights are “Hallucinations”, “Same Soul”, “You and I”, “Old Wounds”, “Winter”, “St. Patrick”, “What’s Wrong”, “January Rain”, and many more. Their debut album “White Noise" peaked at no. 6 on the US Alternative charts. PVRIS went on its first tour in 2016.
Hip-Hop, Music, Pop
Country, Music
Music, R&B
Hip-Hop, Music