Ratatat, formerly known as Cherry, is a band formed in Brooklyn, New York, United States in 2001. The group members are Evan Mast and Mike Stroud. Pop and rock are their musical specialties, and their style is alternative/indie rock, indie electronic, indie rock, and instrumental rock. They are known for mixing rock and electronic music. Some of their song highlights are “Nightclub Amnesia”, “Cream on Chrome”, “Wildcat”, “We Can't Be Stopped”, “Sunblocks”, “Falcon Jab”, “Black Heroes”, “Swisha”, “Germany To Germany”, “Bustelo”, and many more. In the movies, they are known for their work on “Cloverfield”, “Knocked Up”, “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”, “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist”, etc.
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Pop
Electronic, Music
Electronic, Music