Red Molly is a trio singing group created by Laurie MacAllister, Abbie Gardner, and Molly Venter back in 2004. The three are solo songwriters. That night at the Falcon Ridge Festival of 2004, they were the last singers left standing at the event. They sang together and felt they did really well as a group. The band Red Molly was formed. Red Molly took off in 2006 when they won the most votes in the Falcon Ridge Festival of the same year. Country music icon Vince Gill was awestruck by their performance which he lavished with many praises. Not including their live performances, Red Molly released four albums namely: Love And Other Tragedies (2008), James (2010), Light In The Sky (2011), and The Red Album (2014). They also have two singles which are Red Molly (2005) and One For All & All For One (2017).
Music, Pop
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Music, Rock