Richard Dawkins, born Clinton Richard Dawkins, is a prominent British biologist and acclaimed author renowned for his contributions to evolutionary biology and his influential writings on science and atheism. He was born in Nairobi, Kenya, on March 26, 1941.
Dawkins rose to international prominence with the publication of his groundbreaking book, "The Selfish Gene," in 1976, which presented a gene-centered view of evolution and introduced the concept of memes. His subsequent works, including "The Extended Phenotype," "The Blind Watchmaker," “The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing”, and "The God Delusion," have further cemented his reputation as a leading scientific thinker and public intellectual.
Dawkins has dedicated his career to promoting rationality, critical thinking, and scientific literacy. His eloquent and thought-provoking writings have sparked widespread debates on the compatibility of science and religion, making him a highly influential figure in both scientific and philosophical circles.
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