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The companies that Richard Marx endorses include Fountain of Health, Martin Katz and McPherson Guitars.

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Some of the things that Richard Marx likes include Airplanes, Beaches, Caps and Dogs.

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Products that Richard Marx has endorsed

Some of the product types that Richard Marx has endorsed are: Health and Beauty, Guitar and Jewelry.

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The charities that Richard Marx supports include: American Cancer Society, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Mercy For Animals.

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The list of Causes that Richard Marx supports include Animal Cruelty, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer and Children.

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September 16, 1963
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Richard Marx Bio

Richard Marx is an American singer, songwriter, composer and music producer. He was born Richard Noel Marx on the 16th of September, 1963, in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. He began his musical career in the early 1980s by working with Lionel Richie. In 1987, he released his debut self-titled album which included the acclaimed single “Should’ve Known Better”. His second album “Repeat Offender” was released two years later through Capitol Records and it included collaborations with Bruce Gaitsch and Dean Pitchford. He has written songs for the likes of Vixen, Madonna, Laura Pausini, NSYNC and Paulina Rubio among others. Overall, Marx has released over 10 albums, including the acclaimed 1997’s “Greatest Hits” which reached number 2 on the Norway Single Chart.

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