Rose Leslie




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February 9, 1987
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Rose Leslie Bio

Rose Eleanor Arbuthnot-Leslie was born on February 9, 1987 in Aberdeen, United Kingdom. When she was 18 years old, she moved to London and attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Three years later, she landed a role on the television show New Town, which has one her several awards including a Scottish BAFTA and a New Talent Award. In 2010, she got the lead role in Bedlam at the prestigious Globe Theater. She was then cast as Wilding Ygritte in HBO’s Game of Thrones, which has been an enormous success around the world. She now stars in Now Is Good with fellow actress Dakota Fanning. She also took parts in The Great Fire (2014), The Last Witch Hunter (2015), and Sticky Notes (2016). She also voiced a character for the video game Echo (2017).

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