Sanjeev Karthick is a well-known actor who was born on July 17th, 1989, in India. Before embarking on a career in acting, he received his diploma from Jaycee Higher Secondary School in India, and then went on to study engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College in Coimbatore. His first role was in the film “Kulir 100°,” in which he debuted in 2009 alongside Riya Bamniyal. Since then, he has been in quite a few films with modest budgets, such as Neeyum Naanum and Sagakkal. Sanjeev also appeared in TV shows such as “Raja Rani,” which was broadcasted on Vijay TV, and “Kaatrin Mozhi,” where he was paired opposite Priyanka Jain. Moreover, he is active on social media.
Actors, Film and TV
Film and TV, TV Personality
Actresses, Film and TV
Author, Film and TV