Show Me the Body is a trio based in New York City, New York. The group is composed of Harlan Steed, Julian Cashwan Pratt, and Noah Cohen-Corbett. Steed and Pratt used to be the duo U-Lock Justice, but they changed the name when Cohen-Corbett joined them. Show Me the Body is part of the collective group Letter Racer.
The group released their debut EP Yellow Kidney in 2014. This was followed by another EP S M T B back in 2015, and their album Body War dropped in 2016. In March 2017, they released the mixtape Corpus 1 which featured Eartheater, Moor Mother, Princess Nokia, and Casino Theo among others. The group also dropped the EP Challenge Coin in the same year.
Show Me the Body performed in the Coachella Festival in 2017 and the same year; they released the singles “Trash” and “K9.”
Hip-Hop, Music
Hip-Hop, Music
Electronic, Music
Music, Rock