Sleaford Mods is an experimental hip hop duo from Nottingham, England, that has been active since the mid-2000s. Releasing their self-titled debut in 2007, Sleaford Mods established themselves as a new and unique sound in hip hop that draws heavily from mod culture. Featuring vocalist Jason Williamson’s thick accent over chopped-up post punk instrumentals, their songs feature biting lyrical tirades against pop culture, unemployment, and political issues. Their breakout album, Divide and Exit, was released in 2014 to wide critical acclaim, and was listed by The Guardian as one of the ten best albums of the year. Their most recent album, Key Markets, was released on Harbinger Sound in 2015 and again scored spots on year-end lists from The Guardian, NME, and Rough Trade.
Sleaford Mods contact information is available for you to look at. We have Sleaford Mods’s manager information, along with their booking agents info as well. If you want the Sleaford Mods email address for their management team, or booking agency, we have that available for you to view by signing up. You can find the Sleaford Mods booking info and booking price here:
Music, Pop
Music, Pop
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Pop