Sonali Chowdhury is an Indian actor, well-known for her work in the Bengali film and television industry. Born on October 13th, Kolkata, in West Bengal, her formal education began at the Alipore Multipurpose Government Girls' School. She went on to complete her degree requirements at the University of Calcutta. “Shiba”, her debut feature film, was released the following year in the year 2002. In addition to that, she was a contestant on shows such as “Abbulish”and “Dance Bangla Dance”. She appeared in a variety of movies and television shows, such as “Okay Apon Okay Por”, “Agni”, “Shakti”, “Chha-e Chhuti”, “Aim”, “Bye Bye Bangkok”, and “Khela”, amongst others.
Film and TV, TV Personality
Actors, Film and TV
Film and TV, TV Personality
Actresses, Film and TV