Spice Girls, also known as The Spice Girls, are an English pop all-girl group, formed back in 1994. It was formed by Melanie Brown, Mel B or Scary Spice, Melanie Chisholm, Mel C or Sporty Spice, Emma Bunton, Baby Spice, Geri Halliwell, Ginger Spice, and Victoria Beckham, Posh Spice. Their debut single was released in 1996, named Wannabe, which happened to be a number one hit in 37 countries. Their debut album, named Spice, was released the same year, and sold more than 31 million copies all around the world, becoming the best-selling album by a female group in history. In total, Spice Girls have released three albums, and have sold over 85 million records worldwide. Spice Girls have experienced multiple breakdowns over the course of their career, but they have most recently gotten back together in 2018, going on an international tour.
Country, Music
Music, Rock
Music, Pop
Music, Pop