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Some of the things that Steve Perry likes include Cars, Coffee, Music Production and Sunglasses.

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The charities that Steve Perry supports include: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

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The list of Causes that Steve Perry supports include Cancer.

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January 22, 1949
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Steve Perry Bio

Steve Perry is an American singer and songwriter born in Hanford, California on January 22, 1949. He is best known as the lead singer of the rock band Journey from 1977 to 1987 and from 1995 to 1998. Perry was the lead singer during the bands most successful years and is known as the signature voice of Journey. At 12 years old he was inspired to become a singer after listening to Sam Cooke’s song “Cupid.” While in college he sang as first tenor in the school’s choir. He moved to Sacramento in his early 20’s and started the band Ice with Scott Mathews. They recorded some music before disbanding. He helped form the progressive rock band Pieces in 1975 but they were unable to get a record deal and disbanded. In 1977 Perry became the lead singer for the band Journey, replacing the former singer Robert Fleischman. Perry sang the vocals on nine of Journey’s albums, Infinity, Evolution, Departure, Dream, After Dream, Captured, Escape, Frontiers, Raised on Radio, and Trial By Fire. As a solo artist he released his debut solo album in 1984 titled Street Talk and has since released the albums For the Love of Strange Medicine and Traces. In 2017 Perry was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Journey.

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