Super Junior is a South Korean K-pop boy group formed by S.M. Entertainment. The group is composed of Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-In, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, and Kibum, as well as Kyuhyun. They are best known for their 2009 hit single “Sorry, Sorry”. They originally made their debut in 2005 and became instantly popular in Asia and at home. Shortly following, they released a single “Miracle” which rose to number one in Asian charts. In 2007 they released their first album which debuted at number one. After these successes, some of the original members left the band. They produced and released nine other Korean albums, including Bonamana, which was in the Billboard World Albums Chart, and a Japanese album.
Electronic, Music
Music, Pop
Jazz, Music
Music, Rock