Tale of Us is an Italian duo formed by Matteo Milleri and Carmine Conte on 2008. The group which is based on Berlin and they debuted in 2010, and they released Dark Song in 2011. Their first mix CD Renaissance: The Mix Collection was released in 2013.
The duo received nominations for DJ Award Best Techno on 2015 and 2016, DJ Award for Best Tech House in 2017, and DJ Award for Melodic House & Techno in 2018.
They also released the album Endless in 2017 and the next year, they released fabric 97: Tale Of Us.
They are known for their Afterlife show which was performed during the New York Fashion Week.
In 2017, they released Endless and the remixed version of the album.
Latin, Music
Latin, Music
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Pop