Tess Masazza is a Facebook celebrity, who was born on March 15th, 1987, in France. She is a comedian who rose to fame on the internet with the help of her melodramatic “Insopportabilmente donna” character. She uprooted her life and moved to Milan, Italy, from Paris. She is the proprietor of a very well-liked YouTube channel known as “Melodramachic by Tess Masazza,” which boasts more than 550,000 subscribers. The videos of this character's antics have garnered more than 1.2 million followers on Facebook. Her appearances on radio shows such as Zerbinator, and television shows such as “Xtra Factor” have also contributed to her widespread notoriety. Moreover, she has also uploaded videos on her YouTube account with the actress Lodovica Comello.
Digital, Gaming
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Digital Influencers
Beauty, Digital