The Brothers Comatose, a captivating five-piece bluegrass ensemble hailing from the vibrant cultural hub of San Francisco, California, have etched their unique mark on the music scene. Founded by the talented siblings Ben and Alex Morrison, whose masterful guitar and banjo prowess fuel their sonic signature, the band embodies a harmonious synergy of instrumentation and passion.
Joined by the rhythmic expertise of Steve Height on bass, the enchanting violin artistry of Philip Brezina, and the skillful mandolin melodies of Greg Fleischut, The Brothers Comatose have crafted an unparalleled sonic journey. Emerging onto the musical canvas at a tender age, they officially embarked on their melodic odyssey in 2010, marked by the release of their inaugural album, "Songs from the Stoop."
Their prolific discography boasts an array of achievements, including standout tracks like "Tops of the Trees," "Valerie," "Dance Upon Your Grave," "120 East," and "Harvest Moon." Notable albums such as "Ear Snacks," "City Painted Gold," and "Respect the Van" further exemplify their musical finesse and boundless creativity.
Country, Music
Electronic, Music
Music, Rock
Country, Music