Jack Steele and Matt Ford, better known as The Inspired Unemployed, are an Australian digital content creating duo best known for their comedic content. After quitting their jobs as tradies in 2019, the duo came together to form the comedy and digital content group, The Uninspired Unemployed. They have since amassed a large following on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, sharing similar content across all three platforms. Some of the most popular videos on their YouTube channel are The Untold Story of The Inspired Unemployed, Australian Translations of “Oi”, When Lockdown Ends in Australia, and The 1 Week Trip to New Zealand That Turned into 4 Months. Jack and Matt co-host their eponymous podcast The Uninspired Unemployed.
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Fashion
Dancer, Digital, Models
Digital, Digital Influencers