The companies that Thirty Seconds to Mars endorses include Budda Amplification and Sunkist.
Some of the things that Thirty Seconds to Mars likes include Cosmetics and Makeup, Hats and Music.
The charities that Thirty Seconds to Mars supports include: Aid Still Required, Barbara Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes, MusiCares and spcaLA.
The list of Causes that Thirty Seconds to Mars supports include AIDS & HIV, Animals, Cancer and Children.
30 (Thirty) Seconds to Mars contact information is available for you to look at. We have 30 Seconds to Mars manager information, along with their booking agents info as well. If you want the 30 Seconds to Mars email address for their management team, or booking agency, we have that available for you to view by signing up. You can find the 30 Seconds to Mars booking info and booking price here.
Electronic, Music
Music, Pop, Rock
Music, Pop
Music, Rock