Trapped in Anime, based in Indianapolis, United States, is a digital video creator most renowned for his live action videos on TikTok and Instagram. He also runs a YouTube channel called TrappedInAnime.
Trapped in Anime joined YouTube on July 23, 2007. He began sharing short-form videos with an average length of 2 minutes. TikTok and Instagram proved to be better suited for his content as he has gathered thousands of followers on both platforms and millions of likes on TikTok. His videos ANIME STREET SURVIVAL, ANIME STREET SURVIVAL FEMALE ATTACKER, and GUY VS ANIME FAN are some of his best performing videos on TikTok with each raking a minimum of one million views.
Some of his favorite anime content include Naruto, Death Note, and Dragon Ball. He explores the characters in real life situations including sports, dating, survival, and zombie attacks. He is associated with WeTheCulture, a space dedicated to celebrating black creators.
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Digital Influencers
Digital, Lifestyle
Digital, Digital Influencers