Verónica Fernández Echegaray, known as Véronica Echegui, is an actress and director in Madrid, Spain, on June 16, 1983. She attended the Tool Foundation Workshop with Brad Barnes at the Directing Actors School of Los Angeles. Likewise, she attended The Writer/Director Collaboration by Tim Fywell and Visual Storytelling by Josh Appignanesi.
Her film debut was in 2004 as Sandra in Cerrojos. In 2007, Verónica won awards at the Milano International Film Festival Awards and Sant Jordi Awards for her role in Yo soy la Juani. She portrayed Vanesa in El menor de los males, Elena in Tocar el cielo, and Marta in Un difunto, seis mujeres y un taller.
Verónica directed and wrote the 2020 short film Tótem Loba. The film won her awards at the 2021 Medina Film Festival Awards, the 2021 Premio Pávez, the 2022 Goya Awards, and the 2022 Premios Fugaz. She starred in Book of Love, Three Days of Christmas, What Is Love, and No culpes al karma de lo que te pasa por gilipollas.
Film and TV, Movie Directors
Actors, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Actresses, Film and TV