Victor Robert DiBitetto, better known as Vic DiBitetto, is an American stand-up comedian and actor best known for his comedy content on YouTube and his acting in film and television. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, United States, on February 9, 1961. Vic began sharing comedy content on YouTube in 2010, and he has continued to create content on the platform ever since. Some of the most popular videos on his YouTube channel are "Bread & Milk" -THE ORIGINAL VIDEO, Ticked Off Vic: A Message to the Government, and Outdoor Dining During a Pandemic. As an actor, Vic is best known for starring in the action-comedy film Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 alongside Kevin James, Raini Rodriguez, Eduardo Verástegui, Daniella Alonso, and David Henrie.
Actresses, Bollywood, Film and TV
Actors, Film and TV
Film and TV, TV Personality
Digital, Digital Influencers