Yuhua Hamasaki




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March 1, 1990
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Yuhua Hamasaki Bio

Yuhua Hamasaki is a Chinese-born American drag performer, vocalist, actor, and reality TV star born 1 March 1990, in Guangzhou, People's Republic of China. Hamasaki's real name is Yuhua Ou. Hamasaki began her career in 1997 when she moved from China to the United States and started doing drag shows in New York. Hamasaki's first rise to fame began with several collaborations such as the appearance in Katy Perry's performance of "Swish Swish" on Saturday Night Live in May 2017 and designer contracts for the show Drag Race where the drag queen designed clothes for other performers such as Peppermint, Aquaria, Monét X Change, Bob the Drag Queen, Aja, and Alexis Michelle. After working as a designer for the show Drag Race, Hamasaki became a contestant, joining the tenth season of RuPaul's Drag Race. The drag queen appeared in several television shows such as The Carrie Diaries, The Mysteries of Laura, and Shade: Queens of NYC, various music videos such as Make Me Moan with Sherry Vine and Peppermint, Bruised with Mila Jam, and I Call Shade with Trinity Taylor. Hamasaki also recorded a song named The Ankh Song in 2018.

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