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The companies that Adam Levine endorses include First Act, ID Perfume and Proactiv.

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Some of the things that Adam Levine likes include Basketball, Cars, Cats and Cooking.

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Products that Adam Levine has endorsed

Some of the product types that Adam Levine has endorsed are: Guitar, Skin Care and Fragrances.

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The charities that Adam Levine supports include: Aid Still Required, Cahonas Scotland, Declare Yourself and Elton John AIDS Foundation.

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The list of Causes that Adam Levine supports include AIDS & HIV, At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Blood and Cancer.

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Social Media & Audience

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March 18, 1979
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Adam Levine Bio

Adam Levine is the front man and lead vocalist of Grammy-Award-winning band Maroon 5. He was born in Los Angeles as Adam Noah Levine, on March 18, 1979. He was part of a band while in school called Kara’s Flowers in 1994. They released an album called “The Fourth World” in 97. After that, he went to school in New York City but dropped out to return to California to form the band again and soon, Maroon 5 was officially around. The band released their debut album “Songs About Jane” in 2002. It included hits like “This Love”, “Sunday Morning”, which has 164 million views on Youtube and “She Will Be Loved”, which has more than 500 million views on YouTube. Since then, Levine has continued as a part of the hugely successful band Maroon 5 and also been featured as a solo artist on many multi-platinum tracks.

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