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May 6, 1994
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Aviva Anastasia Payne, better known as AViVA, is an Australian singer, songwriter, and musician best known for performing pop music. She was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, on May 6, 1994. Aviva began her music career in 2014 with the release of her debut single Crystaleyes, but she became famous in 2017 after her hit single GRRRLS went viral and received millions of plays across multiple platforms. Her discography includes the hit singles Blame It on the Kids, Twisted, Back from the Dead, Hushh, Houdini, Queen of the Freaks, and the studio projects VOLUME I and VOLUME II. Her music was featured in the album Punkpop which also featured fellow musical artists The Offspring, Jimmy Eat World, blink-182, and Fall Out Boy.

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