Chemical Surf is a musical duo consisting of brothers Lucas and Hugo Sanches. The brothers are born and raised in Brazil and have experimented with producing music since they were teenagers. In 2005, they began producing music together. Though they have been producing music together for years, it wasn’t until 2013 that they officially released their first track as Chemical Surf. Since then, they continue releasing singles and DJing at clubs and festivals as a duo. With the motto “RIP Genres'', the brothers never fall into a single genre and opt to continuously experiment with various sounds and music. The two have played in clubs and festivals all around the world, including El Fortin Club, Lollapalooza, Carnaval Extravaganza, and Carnavibe. Chemical Surf has collaborated with many artists like Kaskade, Steve Aoki, and Max-Africana. Chemical Surf was awarded the V Rio Music Conference Award for the DJ Revelation category.
Music, Rock
Music, Rock
Electronic, Music
Hip-Hop, Music