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The companies that Cody Simpson endorses include Accutime Watch Corporation, Added Extras LLC, Advanced Graphics Inc. and Bonds.

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Some of the things that Cody Simpson likes include Art, Cars, Guitar and Hair Styling.

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Products that Cody Simpson has endorsed

Some of the product types that Cody Simpson has endorsed are: Luxury Goods, Tea, Software and Apps and Jewelry.

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The charities that Cody Simpson supports include: PETA.

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The list of Causes that Cody Simpson supports include Animals.

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Social Media & Audience

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January 11, 1997
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Cody Simpson Bio

Singer and songwriter Cody Simpson was born on January 11, 1997, in Queensland, Australia. An avid swimmer in his youth, Cody Simpson shifted his focus to music, and in 2009 began posting covers of popular songs to his YouTube page. He also posted a few of his original songs, namely the tracks “One” and “Perfect”. Cody Simpson’s videos were quickly discovered by Shawn Campbell, a record producer. May of 2010 saw the release of his debut single “iYiYi” featuring Flo Rida, and a few months later, he formally released his debut EP entitled 4U. His second EP, titled Coast to Coast, was made available in the Fall of 2011 and was preceded by his single “On My Mind”. Cody Simpson would later release the EP Preview to Paradise in June of 2012, followed by his album Surfers Paradise in July of 2013. This album prompted his Paradise Tour, and the following year, he appeared as a dancer on the show Dancing with the Stars.

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