Goodboys are a British duo consisting of Joshua Grimmett, Johannes Shore and Ethan Shore. They are originally from London, England and they became worldwide famous in 2019, when their breakthrough song “Piece of Your Heart”, a collaboration with the duo Meduza, was released. The single was a total hit, reaching number 2 on the UK Single Chart. It also got nominated at the 2019 Grammy Awards for Best Dance Recording. Their second single was released a few months after and this time they were credited as lead artists. The single “Lose Control” featured Meduza and Becky Hill and it was a great success as it entered several international charts and it got certified double platinum and double gold. Their third single “Unfamiliar” alongside Seeb and Hrvy was released in 2020 displaying their particular blend of house mixed with catchy pop melodies.
Latin, Music, Rock
Digital, Digital Influencers, Music
Actresses, Film and TV, Music, Pop
Electronic, Music