

Product Types


The companies that Jelena Karleusa endorses include Albina Dyla, Balenciaga, Body Chain Belgrade and Burj Al Arab.

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Some of the things that Jelena Karleusa likes include Accessories, Bags, Cars and Cats.

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Products that Jelena Karleusa has endorsed

Some of the product types that Jelena Karleusa has endorsed are: Luxury Goods, Clothing Store, Shoes and Clothing.

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The charities that Jelena Karleusa supports include: Ventura udruženje za brigu o životinjama.

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Social Media & Audience

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August 17, 1978
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Jelena Karleusa Bio

Jelena Karleusa is a Serbian singer, television personality, and activist, born in Belgrade, SR Serbia, Yugoslavia on August 17, 1978. Karleusa is one of the most influential and best-selling Serbian artists in modern times. She released her debut album in 1995 titled Ogledalce that sold over 100,000 copies in Yugoslavia. She has since released the albums Zenite se momci, Vestice, vile, Jelena Karleusa, Gili, gili, Za Svoje godine, Samo za tvoje oci, Magija, JK Revolution, and Diva. She has released ten studio albums, two compilation albums, and one live album. She has also made appearances on the shows, Serbian Celebrity Big Brother, Zvezde Granda, and The Wendy Williams Show. Throughout her career she has been nominated for a number of awards and has won six Serbian Popularity Oscars, a Music Awards Ceremony Award, a GayEcho Annual Gay Icon Award, and more.

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