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The companies that Kris Aquino endorses include Air Juan, Ariel, Basic Clothing and Bench.

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Some of the things that Kris Aquino likes include Basketball, Books, Cooking and Dogs.

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Products that Kris Aquino has endorsed

Some of the product types that Kris Aquino has endorsed are: Baby Care, Grocery Store, Department Store and Delivery Services.

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The charities that Kris Aquino supports include: Gawad Kalinga, Go Negosyo and World Vision.

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The list of Causes that Kris Aquino supports include Children, Disaster Relief, Human Rights and Hunger.

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Social Media & Audience

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Kris Aquino Bio

Kris Aquino is a Filipino talk show host and actress. She’s been called the “Queen of All Media” in the Philippines, starring in movies and television while also hosting various talk and game shows. Her first film Pido Dida: Sabay Tayo released in 1990 to critical acclaim in the Philippines. Aquino’s 2006 film Sukob was the highest grossing film in the Philippines that year. She’s the daughter of former Philippine senator Benigno Aquino Jr. and Corazon Cojuangco-Aquino, the 11th President of the Philippines. She’s also well known for her films Feng Sui (2004) and So… Happy Together (2004).

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