

Product Types


The companies that Mikayla Nogueira endorses include Benefit Cosmetics, dime optics, e.l.f. Cosmetics and First Aid Beauty.

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Some of the things that Mikayla Nogueira likes include Cosmetics and Makeup, Costumes and Hair Coloring.

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Products that Mikayla Nogueira has endorsed

Some of the product types that Mikayla Nogueira has endorsed are: Cosmetics and Makeup.

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June 13, 1998
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Mikayla Nogueira Bio

Mikayla Jane Nogueira is an American makeup artist and social media star. She was born on June 13, 1998, in Massachusetts, USA. 

Graduating from Apponequet Regional High School in 2016, Mikayla decided to attend Bryant University, where she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in communications in 2020. 

She developed her passion for makeup when she was ten years old by being introduced to Avon products. As time went by, Mikayla got more skilled and decided to try herself as a makeup artist. She posted her first concealer tutorial on TikTok in march 2020 that went more than a million views. After that, Mikayla kept posting videos and helping a worldwide crowd with her tips and tricks. Today, she has more than eight million followers on TikTok and 1.5 million followers on her Instagram account.

By achieving astounding success on social media, Mikayla has been a subject in articles written by famous publications like Allure and The Boston Globe. In 2020, she won American Influencer Award for Emerging Makeup Artist of the Year.

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