Oscar Isaac




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The companies that Oscar Isaac endorses include Brioni, FEAR OF GOD and Polestar.

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Products that Oscar Isaac has endorsed

Some of the product types that Oscar Isaac has endorsed are: Clothing.

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March 9, 1979
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Oscar Isaac Bio

Oscar Isaac is a Guatemalan-American actor and musician. With a successful music career put on hold when he was accepted into the Juilliard School’s prestigious acting program he then went on to play many notable roles in film. He played Llewyn Davis in the Coen brothers directed Inside Llewyn Davis, which won him seven awards and saw him nominated for many more.

With this success in his repertoire he went on to play Nathan in the sci-fi film Ex Machina alongside Alicia Vikander and Domhnall Gleeson, another film he won many awards for.  He then became a household name with his portrayal in the Star Wars film The Force Awakens, his depiction of charming pilot Poe Dameron in the film and its sequel. Most recently he portrayed Kane in the film Annihilation.

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