Ralph Fiennes



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The charities that Ralph Fiennes supports include: ACAP, Artists Against Racism, Constant Gardener Trust and Environmental Investigation Agency.

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The list of Causes that Ralph Fiennes supports include Animals, Cancer, Children and Conservation.

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December 22, 1962
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Ralph Fiennes Bio

Ralph Fiennes was born on December 22, 1962 in Ipswich, England. After training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art from 1983 to 1985, he began acting at the Open Air Theatre and later joined the Royal Shakespeare Company. In 1992, he debuted as Heathcliff in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. In 1993, his career took off after he starred in Schindler’s List, which earned him a BAFTA win and an Academy Award nomination.

In 1996, he earned another Best Actor nomination for The English Patient. He expanded his roles by playing Ramses II in the animated film The Prince of Egypt, where he both acted and sang. In 2002, he played the main villain in Red Dragon. The Constant Gardener (2005) also earned him praise. He played Lord Voldemort in the last five Harry Potter movies and earned a Tony for his work in the play Faith Healer. He returned to theater for a filmed version of Coriolanus in 2009. He also has had supporting roles in several James Bond movies. Fiennes earned Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations for The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), where he made a rare comedic turn. Fiennes is a UNICEF UK ambassador.

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