Will Harness, also known as Struggle Jennings, is an American country rapper born in 1980 in Nashville, Tennessee. He grew up heavily inspired by his grandfather Waylon Jennings, whose tracks he would choose to work on for his first releases. In 2011 he started collaborating with Yelawolf, and appeared in one of his Yelawolf’s mixtapes in 2013 before releasing his debut album “I Am Struggle.” In 2016 he signed with Slumerica and followed up with the EP “Return of the Outlaw.” Shortly after he started a collaboration with JellyRoll, with whom he released a three-part album titled “Waylon & Willie” between 2017 and 2018. Struggle also collaborated with Jenni Eddy Jennings to issue the “Spiritual Warfare” EP later in 2018, and with Brianna Harness to release the “Sunny Days” EP, the latter reaching #3 on the Billboard’s Blues chart. Jennings would go on to release two more albums featuring the talents of Bubba Sparxxx, Julie Roberts, Jeremy Penick, and Trap DeVille, among others.
Music, Pop
Music, Pop
Music, Rock
Music, Rock