TikTok star, social media sensation, model and fashion influencer who was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra in 1999. During her college years, she began to post interesting videos on TikTok, mostly lip sync reels. Her ability to emote and her incredible comic timing earned her a huge fan following. Before TikTok was banned in India, she had a follower count of 2.3 million. This helped her bag the Crowned Muser tag for the most influential artist on TikTok. With her growing popularity, she began to create original content related to beauty and fashion. Youngsters look up to her as a fashion icon and follow her for the unique tips and outfit styles that she presents on her pages. She also has an active audience on Instagram where she shares styling photographs and videos. She is also an avid fitness enthusiast who practices yoga regularly. She has also modeled for brands like 104.8 FM Ishq.
Beauty, Digital, Lifestyle
Digital, Lifestyle
Digital, Fashion
Digital, Digital Influencers