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The companies that Talib Kweli endorses include Souleo Enterprises.

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Some of the things that Talib Kweli likes include Art, Books, David Bowie and Donuts.

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The charities that Talib Kweli supports include: Chris Webber Foundation, Common Ground Foundation and Make-A-Wish Foundation.

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The list of Causes that Talib Kweli supports include At-Risk/Disadvantaged Youths, Cancer, Children and Education.

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October 3, 1975
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Talib Kweli Bio

Born Talib Kweli Greene but preferring to go simply by Talib Kweli, the hip-hop artist grew up in Brooklyn, New York. In 1995, he appeared a number of times on the album Doom by the group Mood, and a few years later, he and friend Mos Def got together to create their album Mos Def and Talib Kweli Are Black Star, released in 1998. In conjunction with DJ Hi-Tek, Talib Kweli released the album Train of Thought in 2000, which did not do as well as his album with Mos Def. He eventually went on to release the solo album Quality in 2002, which featured the popular single “Get By”. Two years later, he made a vocal appearance on Kanye West’s debut album The College Dropout. Talib Kweli would to go on to release the albums The Beautiful Struggle in 2004, Liberation with Madlib in 2007, Eardrum in 2007, Revolutions per Minute in 2010, Gutter Rainbows in 2011, Prisoner of Conscious in 2013, and Gravitas, also in 2013. Talib Kweli was also active in politics, and openly showed his support for the 2011 Occupy Wall Street movement.

Talib Kweli contact information is available for you to look at. We have Talib Kweli’s manager information, along with his booking agents info as well. If you want the Talib Kweli email address for his management team, or booking agency, we have that available for you to view by signing up. You can find the Talib Kweli booking info and booking price here.

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