Some of the things that The Collingsworth Family likes include Caps, Family, Music and Musical Instruments.
The charities that The Collingsworth Family supports include: Samaritan's Purse.
The list of Causes that The Collingsworth Family supports include Coronavirus Relief.
The Collingsworth Family first began collaborating at a church camp in Petersburg, Michigan in 1986. Phil and Kim initially expected to be a duo, however this vision expanded and now includes their entire family, hence their name. They have performed all over the world and work to make great music while “praising God and sharing His word.” Rhonda Thompson Promotions helped them get their song Gotta Get to Jesus on nationwide radio in 2015.
Since 2011, the Collingsworth Family has been in a contract with StowTown Records in Nashville, Tennessee. They also hired The Harper Agency in the Nashville area to be their booking company. Their ministry has gotten shout outs on the most prominent gospel radio program, The Gospel Greats, and they have also been featured on Sirius XM Radio. Kim Collingsworth has also won the “Favorite Musician” award for the Singing News Fan Awards each year since 2013.
Music, Pop
Hip-Hop, Music
Music, Rock
Electronic, Music